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When it matters most, we are there to help you resolve shareholder disputes successfully. 

Legal disputes can be time consuming and expensive, proving detrimental for all concerned so it is in your best interests to ensure any disputes are dealt with expediently and effectively.

There are going to be disagreements between shareholders and directors from time to time – it’s only natural. This can be a good thing for a business, as respectful and adult discussions about differences of opinion can make for a healthy, constructive debate providing solutions to commercial problems.

But there are occasions where disputes go much further and it becomes difficult to salvage any ongoing working relationship between shareholders. These situations are not only incredibly stressful for those concerned but they can also become extremely strategic battles, where it is essential to plan carefully if a shareholder is to protect and realise the value of their shareholding.

There are laws aimed at protecting minority shareholders, which are particularly important in companies that the law regards as β€˜quasi-partnerships’.

Should it become necessary to take, or contemplate, court action there are a range of court orders available to protect your interests. Alongside a knowledge of the law in this area, an appreciation of the main practicalities is essential. This includes the question of funding the fight.

We have provided some scenarios  providing examples of some of the common types of disputes shareholders face.

If you find that you need assistance, we have specialist expertise and a successful track record when it comes to shareholder disputes. We can work with you to resolve matters as quickly and efficiently as possible.