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Our team offers the insight you need to ensure share valuations are as accurate as possible.

Due to a number of factors, it can be hard to arrive at an accurate value for your shares, potentially making it harder for you to sell and get a good return on your investment.

In a private limited company, determining an accurate valuation of shares is not a precise science, however we can advise on how best to arrange a suitable valuation.

It is possible for different accountants to arrive at different valuations, even in exactly the same factual circumstances. The process of valuing shares can be compared to trying to value land or property, in that it can be somewhat subjective - what one person sees as valuable, another may value it differently.

The best way to maintain accuracy during the share valuation process is to choose a valuer, the most appropriate person being is a suitably experienced and qualified accountant. Within the accountancy field, there are various sub-sets of specialist accountant valuers. To arrive at an accurate valuation, it’s essential you choose the right valuer, with the appropriate experience and sector specialism, and we have the expertise required to assist you in this endeavour.